"What an amazing dentist! After being told by my current dentist that my request for an emergency appointment would take 6 days for the next appointment. I was under a huge pain, unable to sleep or eat I was keen to find someone to help! I contacted The park Dental Clinic. They where able to see me at 5:30pm and after 30 minutes they where able to provide a temporary filling. They were helpful and not trying to take advantage of my situation! I would highly recommend them! I am waiting to see what my current dentist does but I am planning to switch from my NHS dentist to someone who will be there when I need it the most!
The staff and the dentist are great and very friendly!"
If you have chipped or broken a tooth as a result of an accident or injury, it is very important that you see a dentist as soon as possible. The same goes for one or more knocked out teeth. The sooner you are seen by a dental professional the better the chances that the teeth could be re-implanted, depending on the severity of your injury. Here are some of the steps an emergency dental appointment will cover:
If you require emergency dental treatment, you should ask to see a dentist as soon as possible. At our practice we offer appointments for all dental emergencies from toothache to lost or broken crowns, chipped teeth and fillings to abscesses, trauma, avulsed teeth and facial swelling. We can take care of your injuries to ensure you heal quicker and more effectively, ensuring that you avoid additional dental problems and complications in the future.